Compatibility controllers & sensors Gardena with Hunter, Rain Bird, etc.

Gardena Control and Sensor
Compatibility with other manufacturers

Enjoy your holidays and your free time fully relaxed

If you are often on the road for work or come late from work, and the garden still has to be watered, an irrigation device connected to a tap or a multi-channel controller that controls the valve distribution of your garden irrigation ensures the perfect irrigation of your plants.

The irrigation starts and stops automatically, so no watering obligations are forgotten, and all you have to do is enjoy the magnificent plants in the garden & on the balcony.

Control with power supply

Gardena, Hunter and Rain Bird controls connected to a 220V power supply have a transformer that outputs 24V AC to switch the solenoid valves. The solenoid valves are closed in the idle state, below (approx. 300-450 mA) then the solenoid valves open. Any 24 VAC controller, whether Gardena, Hunter or others, can be operated with 24 VAC solenoid valves from other manufacturers.

Gardena Multi-channel control

Hunter Control

Rain Bird control

Fixed number of stations indoor

control 4030
(4 stations)

control 6030
(6 stations)


X-Core 401I
(4 stations)

X-Core 601I
(6 stations)

X-Core 801I
(8 stations)


(4 stations)

(6 stations)

(8 stations)

Fixed number of stations outdoor

X-Core 401I

X-Core 601I

X-Core 801I


Professional unit fixed number of stations outdoor



Modular control outdoor

Irrigation control
4040 modular (1276)



Battery powered control

Battery powered controllers work with solenoid valves from Hunter, Rain Bird and Gardena.
The timer opens or closes the valve with a short voltage pulse.
This energy-saving technology allows a tap device to be operated with one battery for an entire year.

Gardena Device


Rain Bird

Irrigation Device

Irrigation Device
Flex Control

Hunter Node

Rain Bird WP

Rain Bird TBOS

battery control for
valve box

Programming unit
Control unit (1250),
1” 9V
Irrigation valve

Hunter Node

Hunter XC Hybrid

Rain Bird WP

Rain Bird TBOS

battery control

Irrigation device

Multicontrol Duo

Hunter Node

Hunter XC Hybrid

Rain Bird WP

Rain Bird TBOS

Battery-operated irrigation timers with one or two solenoid valves can be connected directly to the water source. Irrigation devices for several solenoid valves or for an entire irrigation system can be connected to one valve distribution.

Smart irrigation solutions: Programming and control from anywhere via smartphone App

  • Hunter Hydrawise (perfect solution with many settings via wifi)
  • Rain Bird LNK Wifi Module (easy upgrade for Rain Bird controllers via wifi)
  • Gardena Smart System Set (Gardena Smart Gateway, Smart App, Smart Sensor, Smart Valve)

Adapting irrigation to the climate with sensors: needs-based & water-saving

A garden irrigation system that runs in pouring rain and consumes water unnecessarily? With a rain sensor you can stop watering when it starts raining. Climate and soil moisture sensors tell the irrigation device when and how much to irrigate.
How to make your irrigation system smart.



Rain Bird

Rain sensor

Gardena rain sensor
electronic (1189)

Hunter Rain Clik

Hunter Mini Clik

Hunter RSD-BEx

Climatic sensor


Hunter Solar-Sync -
only compatible with
Hunter controllers


Soil moisture sensor

Soil Moisture Sensor
(1188 )

Hunter Soil Clik

moisture sensor

Rain Bird SMRT-Y
Soil Moisture Sensor

Do you want a robust control system for your irrigation that adapts duration to the current weather conditions? Then we recommend the combination of Hunter X-Core and the climate sensor Solar-Sync. This is because irrigation is interrupted when it rains, and the ideal amount of water is applied daily on the basis of temperature and solar radiation. The system runs and supplies your garden with exactly the right amount of water.

Submersible pumps for garden irrigation: Water from wells and cisterns

Submersible pumps supply the irrigation system with water from a cistern or well. The available quantity of water for a given pump can be found in the technical documentation. The pump characteristic, which can be read at 35 m, is used to determine the available quantity of water at 3.5 bar. If the pump is installed deeper, the delivery head must be added. Geared sprinklers should be operated at 3.5 bar, drip pipes at 2 bar.


Rain Bird

Cistern pump

Classic Submersible
Pressure pump 6000/4

Rain Bird RBMS

well pump

Deep Well Pump
5500/5 inox

Rain Bird RBMS